Discovery & Planning (2-3 days)
In this stage we are preparing the project for an optimal path to success. We will be discovering all of the specific requirements needed for the project as well as mapping out each team member’s scope of work and delegating the various sub-projects involved in building your website.
Server Setup & Design (3-4 days)
We will be setting up the core platform and installing all the plug-ins, custom design tools and security functionality. Based on the information gathered in the discovery stage, we will also be creating various graphic elements, framework and theme work.
Content Work (3-14 days)
At this stage we’re porting over your existing content from your previous website or we are inserting and styling the content you’ve provided us. We’re also configuring the Titles, Keywords, Meta Descriptions and Heading Tags. We may be doing some content writing, depending upon what your project consists of.
Development & Programming (3-6 days)
In this stage we will be implementing custom CSS, JavaScript, and other programming languages to make everything come together and function as desired. We will also be optimizing the images and scripts to make it load as fast as possible.
Beta Testing & Review (2-3 days)
At this stage we will be putting the website through various tests on different size screens and mobile devices as well as proofreading all the content. We will also be working directly with you on any changes you request.
Final Launch (2-5 days)
Upon your final approval and without interruption to your current website, we will quickly take your website live for the world to see. Depending upon the circumstances and how your emails are configured we will possibly need more than two days to complete this process but there will be no downtime for your website or your email.
Maintenance & Enhancements (ongoing)
Sometimes we launch a website and don’t touch it again for up to a year, but often times there will be ongoing maintenance that you may need from time to time. Naturally, we are here for you not only for performing updates but also training you on how to use your website and all of its tools. If we’re hosting your website, we will also continue to maintain the Core WordPress Updates, all Plugin Updates as well as any Theme Updates that arise. We will also be backing up your website on a daily basis so you never have to worry about data loss.